Terms & Conditions
T & C
"Colorosoweaves” www.Colorosoweaves.in (hereinafter referred to as “Colorosoweaves”) is the brand owned and operated by Mezonic, a company established and registered in India with its registered office at 24a Manoharpukur road Kolkata 700029
Order once placed on the website cannot be cancelled. No reversal of payment, provision of credit notes or gift cards or offer code can be done in lieu of an amount processed on the order being requested for cancellation.
Your usage of the website www.colorosoweaves.in (hereinafter “the website”) is subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions as set forth below. If you do not agree to accept these terms of use, you will not be permitted to use the website.
The company may modify these terms and conditions as stated on the website (www.Colorosoweaves.in) at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified version on the website without prior intimation to the users. Your continued use of the website shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of the modified terms and conditions. However, contracts concluded on the basis of previous terms and conditions shall remain unaffected, but you have to prove the terms which are applicable.
Coloroso has created this website to provide information about its company and products for your personal use. Whilst considerable effort has been made to ensure that the visual representations of Coloroso products displayed on the website are representative of the colour, design and style etc. Of the original products, slight variations, distortions and/or differences may be apparent when compared to the original product. This may, for example, be due to technical issues such as your browser or computer settings. Accordingly, Coloroso cannot be held liable for any apparent differences in the product images represented on the website and the original products. We strongly advise you to visit one of our stores to understand the visual appearance of the product.
You should assume that everything that you see or read on the website (such as images, photographs, including any person represented in the photographs, illustrations, icons, texts, video clips, music, written and other materials) ( "Coloroso") is protected by legislation such as copyright, designs and trademark legislation and under international treaty provisions and national laws worldwide unless otherwise stated therein.
You are not authorised to sell, reproduce, distribute, communicate, modify, display, publicly perform, report or otherwise prepare derivative or second-hand works based on or use any Coloroso material in any way for any public or commercial purposes. Furthermore, Coloroso material may not be displayed or communicated on any other platform, in a networked computer environment or on any other digital platform for any purpose whatsoever. In the event of breach of any of these terms of use, your permission to use Coloroso will automatically terminate and any copies made of Coloroso must be immediately destroyed. Any unauthorised use of Coloroso may infringe copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications, regulations and statutes.
The general layout and design of the Coloroso website (www.colorosoweaves.in) as well as its contents consisting of names, such as trademarks and/or brand names are protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights which are the property of Coloroso. For this reason, no part of the website shall be copied, reproduced, distributed or published, in whole or in part, by any user of the website for any purpose without the prior express written consent of Coloroso.
Coloroso grants the user a limited, non-exclusive license to generate quotes and place orders with Coloroso and thereby retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the said website. The user may not cause or permit reverse engineering, disassembly or decompile the website.
Any downloading or otherwise copying from Coloroso website, if authorised by Coloroso, will not transfer title to any software or material to anyone.
It is acknowledged that electronic communications, databases and websites are subject to errors, malfunctions, tampering and break-ins, or that use thereof may result in damages to your systems or operations. Coloroso will implement reasonable precautions to attempt to prevent such occurrences; however, Coloroso does not guarantee and shall not be liable for such occurrences. The user will be solely responsible for ensuring that any information or content downloaded from the website or any other website accessed from the website does not contain any virus or other computer software code or subroutine designed to disable, erase, impair or otherwise damage its systems, software or data, and you shall indemnify, defend and hold Coloroso harmless from any liability, claim, cost or damage arising out of any third-party claim or suit caused by such virus or code or subroutine.
In case of any legal assistance or support, you may contact us at info@coloroso.in